Air compression therapy machine is a medical device that uses air pressure waves to perform physical therapy on specific parts of the human body. It applies pressure to parts of the body by intermittently inflating and deflating, thereby promoting blood circulation, relieving pain, and preventing deep vein thrombosis...
Best pneumatic compression leg massage device
Application • spends long hours standing or sitting at their job • has parents who suffered from leg or venous problems • is overweight • is confined to bed or a wheelchair • has tired, swollen, aching feet, legs and ankles • has mild to severe varicose veins • has chronic venous insufficiency • has prone to venous stasis ulcerations.
Portable air compression leg therapy massage machine
Application • spends long hours standing or sitting at their job • has parents who suffered from leg or venous problems • is overweight • is confined to bed or a wheelchair • has tired, swollen, aching feet, legs and ankles • has mild to severe varicose veins • has chronic venous insufficiency • has prone to venous stasis ulcerations.
Basic limb intermittent pneumatic compression devices
This intermittent pneumatic compression blood circulation and leg compression therapy intermittent pneumatic compression device. intermittent compression therapy intermittent limb compression device. Poor blood circulation and lymph disorders destroy our health. Many people in the world today, are suffering from the diseases caused by poor blood circulation or lymph disorders, for example, lymphedema happens commonly post surgery. Application • spends long hours standing or sitting at their job • has parents who suffered from leg or venous problems • is overweight • is confined to bed or a wheelchair • has tired, swollen, aching feet, legs and ankles • has mild to severe varicose veins • has chronic venous insufficiency • has prone to venous stasis ulcerations.
Professional abdominal lymphatic drainage massage machine for legs
The lymphatic drainage machine/ lymphatic drainage massage machine/lymphatic drainage machine for legs/abdominal lymphatic drainage/lymphatic drainage/ lymphatic drainage massage/ abdominal lymphatic drainage/ lymphatic drainage/lymphatic drainage massage created by Xiamen Weiyou use dynamic compression technology to accelerate the body's natural healing process by enhancing circulation to muscles. It applicable for different groups: • spends long hours standing or sitting at their job • has parents who suffered from leg or venous problems • is overweight • is confined to bed or a wheelchair • has tired, swollen, aching feet, legs and ankles • has mild to severe varicose veins • has chronic venous insufficiency • has prone to venous stasis ulcerations.