3 results found for "air compression arm massage"
Classic electric air compression leg arm waist hip massager
The sequential intermittent pneumatic compression electric massager arm massager leg massager waist massager like recovery pump compression massager with boots VU-IPC01 is the best post workout muscle recovery air compression massager equipment to increase venous return. Intended use: This device is intended for use by medical professionals and patients at home, in treating Primary lymphedema, Edema following trauma and sport injuries, Post-immobilization edema, Venous insufficiencies, Lymphedema.
Air Pressure Pressotherapy Lymphatic Massage Machine
4 chamber air compression lymphatic drainage machine is an advanced massage equipment, which uses the principle of air compression to directly apply pressure to the body skin to promote blood and lymphatic circulation, accelerate fat catabolism, and achieve the effect of whole body massage and lymphatic drainage and detoxification.
Manual Full Body Compression Therapy Devices for Lymphedema
Manual Full Body Compression Therapy Devices for Lymphedema are specialized medical devices designed to provide comprehensive treatment for individuals suffering from lymphedema. These devices utilize manual pressure to apply compression to various parts of the body, including the arms, legs, and trunk. The primary goal of this therapy is to enhance lymphatic drainage, reduce swelling, and alleviate discomfort associated with lymphedema.